Thursday, February 28, 2013

Playing from slopes - Ball above feet or below feet

20 Most common shot problems

Lesson 19 of 20

Diagnosis:  Playing from slopes – ball above feet or below feet

     Players are often faced with shots from sloped lies that make a relatively easy shot suddenly more challenging. By making a few adjustments to your stance, alignment and swing you can successfully hit these shots solid and more accurately. 

Side hill lie – Ball about your feet
When playing a ball that is above your feet you will need to stand more erect at address and stand farther away from the ball. This posture creates a more rotary swing and a flatter swing plane. This swing path often produces hooked shots because of the added rotation of the hands and arms. This action added to the toe up lie angle of your club will cause the ball to go left so aim right of your intended target.

Side hill lie – Ball below your feet.
This type lie requires you to bend over more to reach the ball. Because you’re standing closer to the ball your swing plane will be more upright than usual. This posture somewhat restricts your body turn causing your swing to be predominantly an arm and hand movement. This steeper swing plane combined with the toe down lie angle of your club will cause the ball to go right so aim left of your intended target.

To schedule an appointment with Steve call Golf Rx at (615) 288-4539

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