Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Long shots start right then hook left. Your driver may not get airborne.

20 Most common shot problems

Lesson 10 of 20

Diagnosis: Long shots start right then hook to the left. Your driver may not get airborne forcing you to use a more lofted club from the tee.

Explanation:   As I mentioned in previous lessons because we stand to the side of ball the swing path of the club is from the inside to along the target path then back to the inside on the follow through. Therefore the club is moving to the right of the target on the downswing and is moving to the left of the target on the follow through. 

             The fact that your ball is starting right of the target indicates you are hitting the ball too early in the swing. The club is still moving right of the target. This is caused by playing the ball to far back or to the right in your stance. This is typical of players who hook the ball. They aim farther right anticipating the ball hooking back to the left.

            Aiming the club right of the target forces the player to align his shoulders and body to the right of the target as well. Aligning the body right forces the player to rotate his hands too far to the right or clockwise on the club resulting in a closed clubface at impact. The ball starts right because the club is moving in that direction at impact, and hooks left because the clubface is closed or aimed left of its path at impact. The player often has trouble getting the ball airborne because the closed clubface decreases the loft of the club

Correction:     To correct this play the ball farther forward or to the left in your stance. This allows you more time to return the club to an on-line path before contacting the ball. It will also help align your shoulders and body more to the left enabling your hands to move more to the left or counterclockwise on the club. Your view of the target line will appear to be more to the left than before. Visualize this new target line and swing the club along it through impact. Your shots will now start out on target rather than to the right and at a higher trajectory.

To schedule an appointment with Steve call Golf Rx at (615) 288-4539

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