Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Most shots start on line then curve right. Most iron shots are thin or fat.

20 Most common shot problems

Lesson 4 of 20

Diagnosis: Most long shots start on line then curve right. Irons shots are often thin (no divot) or fat (divot behind ball). Tendency is to finish swing back on right foot.   
Explanation:  As I mentioned in Lesson 2 because we stand to the side of ball the club must be swing around our body as well as up and down and up again. The club arcs to the inside during the backswing and arcs back to the inside during the follow through. The role of the body is to make room for the arms to swing along this arc by turning to the right on the backswing, and clearing to the left on the forward swing.

            The body not turning to the right on the backswing results in the inability to clear to the left on the forward swing. When the body doesn’t clear the arms are blocked resulting in the club face being open at impact. Shots will curve to the right. The failure of your body to turn forces your arms to swing nearly on a straight line with the club moving too much upward, downward and upward. This makes it nearly impossible to take turf after impact with the ball because of the exaggerated upwardness of the throughswing. 
          If your shots follow this pattern there is a good chance your posture is at fault. If your back and neck are bending too far forward at address it will position your head over the ball giving you the visual impression that the swing is on a straight line. This causes you to lift your right shoulder too much upward on the backswing rather that turning it to the right. Rocking the right shoulder up on the backswing leads to the hips blocking rather than turning on the forward swing. This blocking makes it difficult to shift your weight to the left so you often fall back onto your right foot as your left leg stiffens.

Correction:   Adjust your posture with more knee flex and your back and neck more upright. A line straight down from your eyes would now be closer to your feet and farther from the ball. Focus on turning your right shoulder out of the way to the right as you swing your arms back and up. Turning the right shoulder rather than rocking it upward on the backswing allows the hips to clear to the left instead of sliding and blocking on the forward swing. By clearing your left side your arms can know swing the club forward on the correct in-to-in path resulting in more solid contact and straighter shots.   

To schedule a lesson with Steve call (615) 288-4539

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