Thursday, September 18, 2014

New website for ordering books is on the way

      Some of you may not know I have written three golf instruction books. My first book is titled "The Dimpled Sphere - Lessons to improve all aspects of your game". My second book is titled "Why Bad Swings happen to Good People". My third book is titled "The Pocket Caddy Quick Reference Guide".
       Until now my books have been available only at Golf Rx in Mt. Juliet, but that is about to change. My new website will allow you to purchase books online and have them shipped directly to you. The website will have sample pages of each book along with photographs and illustrations. The site is currently under construction and should be operational within a few weeks.
        My latest publication, "The Pocket Caddy" is rather unique in that this handy reference manual will guide you through common faults and shot problems right on the course or practice tee. Twenty one different topics are discussed and illustrated with pen and ink drawings. The spiral bound booklet is 7 by 4 inches so that it easily fits in your golf bag.
      Keep checking my blogs for updates on the new website.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Overswinging - A very common problem

     Very rarely do I see a good player swing the club past the horizontal position at the top of the swing. Anything longer results in a loss of power and inconsistent contact with the ball. Basically there are two main causes of overswinging: 1. Losing control of your grip on the club at the top, and 2. losing the width or radius of your backswing arc as a result of the right arm not working correctly.
     The sight of a severely bent left arm at the top would appear to be the cause of a typical overswing, but such is not the case. The bent left arm is actually the result of an out-of-position right arm. The right arm controls the width of the swing. If the angle between the upper and lower arm is less the 90 degrees and overswing will result.
    Such overswings are often accompanied by a lack of effective coiling in the torso. So the key to shortening your swing is to first establish the width of your backswing arc.
 To achieve the width that characterizes a proper backswing the right elbow must work in a way that as it folds it forms a right angle, or "L" shape at the top. Your left are will be comfortably straight, not tense with your right elbow positioned at 90 degrees.
   With the help of the these keys you will soon learn to combine a fully coiled upper body (90 degree shoulder turn) with a wider swing arc. The results will be more consistent contact and more powerful shots.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

New Grips from Golf Pride, Winn and Super Stroke now available

There are some great new grips this year from Golf Pride, Winn and Super Stroke. Golf Pride has introduce the Platinum New Decade Multicompound, Super Tack, CP2 and Z-Grip Cord. Winn offers the new DuraTech, Dri-Tac Wrap and Excel. Super Stroke Putter Grips are now available in 4 sizes and in a variety of colors including the stars and stripes Ryder Cup models.
Stop by Golf Rx to see and feel all these new model grips.