Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Flex your right knee, then coil against it

One of the most common faults I see with players is starting the downswing with their arms and shoulders rather than their lower body. This is often a cause and effect problem with the cause being an out of position right knee. Let me explain.
Regardless of your skill level it is imperative that you coil into the right knee when making your backswing. The right knee serves as the anchor which provides the resistance against the coiling of your upper body in the backswing. If the right knee collapses or straightens the resistance is lost
The two errors are locking the right knee where the left knee moves out toward the ball, and buckling the right knee where the player's weight moves to the outside of the right foot. Both faults lead to a poor turn forcing the player to start down with the upper body.
To correct this focus on flexing your right knee at address then retain the flex all the way to the top of your backswing. A sign that you've done it correctly is feeling some tension inside your right thigh as your trunk coils against it.
A good drill is to turn your right foot in at address about fifteen degrees then make some swings. You'll quickly feel the resistance in your right knee against the winding of your upper body. This in turn creates tremendous power delivered to the club head as your legs and hips unwind in the downswing.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Hitting from the top"

"Hitting from the top" a fault seen often with higher handicappers is best described as an aggressive or too quick change of direction in an attempt to hit at the ball. Described as "swinging over the top" this jerky swing characterized by an overactive head and right shoulder leads to a loss of power and accuracy. The player lunges forward with their upper body forcing the club to approach the ball too steeply from outside the normal plane often resulting in sliced and pulled shots.

The transition from the top of the backswing into the downswing establishes the rhythm of the swing as is evident when watching a good player. There is no urgency to hit the ball from the top, but rather a smooth coordinated movement of the club and body which allows the acceleration of the club head to peak at impact. Because the lower body initiates the downswing in one synchronized motion it produces a swinging motion of the arms and club which appears effortless.

I would recommend this drill to improve the tempo of your swing during the transition from backswing to downswing. Using a 6 or 7 iron with the ball teed up slightly and your feet only a few inches apart hit a few shots. Swing the club back smoothly and let your lower body unwind to initiate the downswing. Focus on a fluid transition allowing the club to fall before releasing it through the ball. Keep your head steady as your downswing starts which will allow the club to approach the ball from the inside, on a shallower plane resulting in more solid contact with the ball.

After hitting a few balls you will begin to sense the swinging to the club head through the ball rather than hitting at it. Best of all your swing will feel effortless and your shots will fly straighter.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why Custom Fit Clubs?

Players will often ask me if custom fit equipment will help them play better golf. The answer is always a definite "yes". Consider this example.
Bill and Joe are both wanting to buy new clubs. Bill is 6' 3" tall, has a clubhead speed of 105 mph and is an 8 hdcp. Bill is 5' 8" tall, has a clubhead speed of 83 mph and is a 23 hdcp. There is absolutely no way these two players should be playing the same club. If they are neither player will play up to their potential.
Unfortunately this often occurs because players aren't informed by the sales person that custom fit clubs are available for the same price as off the rack sets. Think about it. You wouldn't purchase a new suit without trying it on first. So why would you invest in new golf equipment without first being custom fit for them?


Golf Rx proudly offers custom fit golf equipment from Ping, Callaway, Taylor Made, Adams Golf and US Kids Golf. Steve personally fits each customer to the right specifications to help them play their very best. He determines the correct length, shaft type and flex, lie angle, grip size and set make up for your stature and swing characteristics.
Golf Rx is also an authorized PGA Trade-in Facility which allows you to trade in your old clubs for credit towards your new custom fitted clubs. We also have a great selection of putters and wedges from Ping, Callaway, Odyssey, Taylor Made and Bettinardi as well as bags from Ping and Ogio.
Golf Rx is also a full service club repair facility for re-gripping, re-shafting and loft and lie adjustments.