Personally I think many players make the game more complicated than it really is. The only purpose of the golf swing is to move the club through the ball square to the target at maximum speed. How this is done is not that important as long as the method allows it to be done repetitively. This is my number one priority and it is the basis on which I teach the golf swing.
Most players of an earlier era were introduced to the game through caddying. By watching and trying to copy the action of better players they developed their own swing. About the only "static" positions early golf professionals would teach were a proper grip and address posture. The lesson itself was demonstrated in one continuous motion emphasizing a steady head and fast moving arms and hands.
Not until new technology came along were instructors and players able to "freeze" the swing at various not before seen stages and positions. Soon players anxious to improve were pouring over books and magazines attempting to emulate the still positions of touring professionals. In my opinion this is where problems begin for many weekend players attempting to improve their game.
Players should realize the cure is not going to be found in swing “positions”. Rather it is in developing a grip and swing that delivers the clubface square to the swing path at impact. Once players accomplish this their natural adjustments become correct ones. If you do one thing right in the golf swing it will lead to another right thing. Do one thing wrong and it will lead to another wrong
My objective is to help players swing the club head so that at impact it is traveling along the target line and facing the target. Their shots are straight and solid and not a word about “slide the hips”, “stay inside”, “hit late” and so on.